Mail checks to:
Hands of Hope Int.
PO Box 252
Killen, AL 35645
2 Different
Donations are so important to the life of our ministry. Every dollar makes a difference!
You can help by making a financial gift online or check by mail. Listed below are just a few examples of what your donations will support.
Examples of what donations help to purchase...
Matters the most... every $1 goes directly to support the ministry
Purchases necessary items for a Journey Bag
Sponsor a child (directly covers their food and education)
Sponsor a meal - Feeding Program (feeds 80+)
Purchase new toys and other items for children
Provides new clothing and undergarments
Provides a new Water Filter System for a family
Help support our full-time missionaries
Provides basic medical supplies for a family per month
Provides a family (up to 6 members) a weekly food pack
Sponsor monthly Activity Days (includes games and snacks)
Provides a new Wood Burning Cook Stove